This portion of the website is not really intended to answer this type of question.  This part of the website is intended to encourage believers to lead a life in this world believing it will have an impact on their time in heaven.  Because someone might be here and asking "How do we know for sure?", I will give some food for thought.

Within Christianity, almost all denominations teach certain basic beliefs which must be in place for us to know we are going to heaven.

1.  Personally, individually, we admit we have sinned.
2.  We believe God provided His Son to pay for our sin.
3.  We believe Jesus died on the cross
      to pay the debt we owe for our sins.
4.  We believe God raised Jesus from the grave.
5.  We acknowledge Jesus as Lord of our lives.
6.  We seek to do things pleasing to God and
7.  We begin to turn away from our sins.

In order to be able to believe and do the above, you need God's grace and the Holy Spirit working in your life.  This working of the Holy Spirit in your life is an indication you have been Spiritually born again.

Some theologians might argue that point 5 or 6 or 7 might not be necessary.  But most pastors would agree that the inclusion of points 5, 6, and 7 are much better indicators that a person has been Spiritually born again. 
Bible Reference
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  (John 3:16 KJVR)

How do we know for sure?
Going to
Heaven !